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Datamined & Leaks: Structure Deck EX: Ruddy Rose Burning

New Structure Deck EX: Ruddy Rose Burning, Duel Links Leak News, Structure Deck EX, Ruddy Rose Burning, Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

Datamined & Leaks: Structure Deck EX: Ruddy Rose Burning | Duel Links DataCore

Duel Links New Files, Features and Information has been found on 13 June 2022. Check here to take a look for what we can expect in the future updates for this game! New Structure Deck EX: Ruddy Rose Burning is coming!! Tell us about your opinion and thought about SD EX Ruddy Rose Burning information.

The Leaked Skill and Card Rarity Changes Information is credited to Q8Duelist,please check out his youtube channel and give some support.

Keep in mind that these Leaked | Datamines information is remains unconfirmed until it is announced by Konami officially.

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2022年6月13日Duel Links游戲已添加新的解碼資料。請點擊 這裏的文件 查看我們在未來的更新中可以期待的內容!!

這次的解碼資料是新套牌EX:Ruddy Rose Burning!!。歡迎告訴我們你對這次的解碼技能資料的看法。

這次的新套牌EX卡片稀有度解碼資料原處來源於一生爱娴,而技能和卡片稀有度更新解碼資料是由 Q8Duelist所解碼,也請到他們的網站或頻道去支持一下。


我們的網站需要依靠廣告點擊觀看來保持正常運作。因此,請考慮在您的廣告攔截器上將 duellinksdatacore 列入白名單還有看5分鐘的廣告,您的小小幫助使我們有更大的動力前進,讓這個網站能夠持續經營。謝謝, 感恩! 🙏

rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity
rarity rarity rarity

rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity rarity

從手牌將1張"薔薇龍"怪獸,"黑薔薇魔女,"或"薔薇的妖精"送到墓地,從牌組中將1張"薔薇龍"怪獸加入手牌。然後, 從牌組以外將1張"薔薇的妖精"放在牌組的上方或底部。這一回合,你只能從額外牌組中特殊召喚"薔薇龍"怪獸。

此技能僅在決鬥開始時, 滿足以下條件才會生效:
• 牌組中至少包含12張協調怪獸或"薔薇龍"怪獸,並且僅有植物族怪獸。
• 您的額外牌組至少包含1隻怪獸,並且僅有同步怪獸。


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